
Tree-Planting Initiative


Two years ago we decided to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by collecting local seedlings of Oak and Beech and planting them around the village over the winter of 2022/23. The seedlings were donated following an appeal and have been growing at the allotment site on a plot kindly provided by the Allotment and Community Gardens.

The situation has now changed following the death of the Queen and the accession of King Charles 111. We are planning to plant these seedlings to mark these events in January/February; the bulk of the planting will be in the Millennium Wood, which is part of Tatsfield Green to replace the many trees that were removed due to ash dieback disease. There will also be a ceremonial planting on Tatsfield Green of a Red Oak.

We would also like to hear from anyone in the parish who has a large garden, paddock, or field and would like to be part of this tree-planting initiative. If you are interested in taking part please contact Jon Allbutt (jon@jonallbutt.co.uk) or Kim Jennings (kimjennings@tatsfieldparishcouncil.org.uk)

We would also like to hear from anyone who would be interested in helping us plant and helping to care for these trees

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