Autumn 2021 Show Awards
Trophies awarded to the competitor securing most points in the section stated:
PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE CUP. Horticultural Sections: David Haddon
CLUB CHALLENGE CUP. Vegetables Section: David Haddon 51 points
ELIZABETH CHALLENGE CUP. Flowers Section: Alan Armitage 27 points
THE McHUGO TROPHY. Flower Arrangement: Pat Walsh 10 points
SLATTER TROPHY. Crafts Section: Ann Clark 3 points
PETER WARNER TROPHY. Art Section: Angela Leslie-Miller 6 points
JEFF BLOXHAM TROPHY. Photography Section: Hilary Harber 8 points
TOM BLACK CUP. Domestic Section: Peter Maynard 4 points
TATSFIELD SCHOOL CUP. Junior Sections: Nikita Badura 8 points
Trophies awarded to the competitor with the best exhibit in the section stated:
RON DRAPER AWARD. Vegetable Section: Peter Maynard
CLARK CUP. Flower Arrangement Section: Pat Walsh
TONY ERBES CUP. Best onion exhibit: Peter Maynard
ALLOTMENT TROPHY. Basket of six fruit and/or vegetables grown on the Tatsfield
Allotments: Peter Maynard