Tatsfield Horticultural Society

2023 Autumn Show Prize Winners

Trophies awarded to the competitor securing most points in the section:

PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE CUP. Horticultural Sections: David Haddon
CLUB CHALLENGE CUP. Vegetables Section: David Haddon    51 points
ELIZABETH CHALLENGE CUP. Flowers Section: Alan Armitage   27 points
THE McHUGO TROPHY. Flower Arrangement: Pat Walsh     10 points
SLATTER TROPHY. Crafts Section: Ann Clark    3 points
PETER WARNER TROPHY. Art Section: Angela Leslie-Miller     6 points
JEFF BLOXHAM TROPHY. Photography Section: Hilary Harber     8 points
TOM BLACK CUP. Domestic Section: Peter Maynard     4 points
TATSFIELD SCHOOL CUP. Junior Sections: Nikita Badura     8 points

Trophies awarded to the competitor with the best exhibit in the section:

RON DRAPER AWARD. Vegetable Section: Peter Maynard
CLARK CUP. Flower Arrangement Section: Pat Walsh
TONY ERBES CUP. Best onion exhibit: Peter Maynard
ALLOTMENT TROPHY. Basket of six fruit and/or vegetables grown on the Tatsfield
Allotments: Peter Maynard

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The Tatsfield Horticultural Annual Wisley Visit
Saturday June 17th 2023 at 10am 


Photo courtesy of Peter Boys

18 people arrived at the RHS Wisley Gardens ready for our group entry at 10am. It is an event we arrange every year as we are allowed one visit for up to 40 people with free entry with our affiliation to the RHS. If you had to pay it would have cost each person £18.90 entry, so you can see what a massive benefit this is.

Wisley is the flagship garden of the RHS and one of the most visited and loved gardens attracting over a million visitors a year. There are 75 gardeners, 25 students, 4 apprentices, and over 100 volunteers. The gardens cover an area of 240 acres.

George Fergusson Wilson, a keen grower of fruit and orchids, bought the garden in 1878. After Wilson’s death, Sir Thomas Hanbury purchased the garden along with a neighbouring farm and donated it to the RHS.

Fortunately the weather was warm for our visit; the sun was shining and I was greeted with lots of happy faces ready for the delightful experience which lay ahead. We are allowed to enter the gardens with the allocated tickets, as and when you wish and not as a group. Some people enjoyed a coffee plus a warm pecan pastry in my case!

I decided to venture off around the gardens stopping first at the Unusual and Heritage Plant Show marquee. It was supported by various Societies, including Sweet Peas, Dahlias, Iris, Roses, plus stalls of Hostas, various Geraniums, and Heritage Plants. You could buy many of the plants on display and packets of seeds at a good price.

From here I walked through to the sweet pea trial beds, as I have a special interest. It was fun comparing the growth of the autumn sown seeds to the spring own ones, and taking photos of new varieties that caught my eye. I start the seeds germinating at the end of February and then they don’t get out of control before planting out in April.

I always enjoy walking in the woodland gardens amongst the massive trees and shrubs on Battleston Hill, exploring the plants from far off climes. The different varieties of Cornus Kousa’s were the Stars today.

I sauntered down the hill to the massive 12 metre high Glass House, built to celebrate the RHS bicentenary. It covers an area equal to 10 tennis courts. The glasshouse was constructed using recycled glass from the previous glasshouse. There was a vast pelargonium collection which showed how many different varieties and colours there are. The Tropical plants were enormous and unbelievable that you could be stood in such a jungle setting. We read that robins and wagtails are able to operate the automatic opening vents and make their nests in there – clever birds. There is also a Dry Arid garden section which is full of cactus and succulents.

Coming outside again for fresh air I walked over to the new Science Research block, called Hilltop. This building opened in 2021, and is home to their Scientists who are hard at work researching the issues that affect our everyday lives. I walked through the Orchards to the Allotments for my first ever visit. This was an absolute joy.

From here I wandered over to view the Bowes-Lyon rose beds, built to commemorate Sir David Bowes-Lyon RHS President 1953-61. The scent was breath taking.

No visit is complete without a stop at the shop and garden centre. This time it was just a packet of Sweet William seeds. I am picking last year’s sowing right now.

Sue Warren


Our team of volunteers (why not join us, call Jon Allbutt on 577100) have been producing high quality Black Gold since Easter, it has been selling steadily and we still have plenty available. This is an ideal product to use as a soil conditioner and a mulch for donations of only £1.50 a large bag, or £5.00 for a full wheelbarrow.

We have been very busy making new batches of compost ready to use later this year and for 2024; so far, nearly half of our 36 compost bins are full of new composting material. All of the raw materials (grass, soft green waste, local stable manure and woody prunings) that make our compost are from local folk including our allotmenteers. This year we saw a new record for producing finished compost, just eight weeks from making a new batch to the finished product with temperatures reaching 70C!

We are open on Saturday mornings from 10.00-12.00 and on Wednesday afternoons from 14.00-16.00. You are very welcome to come and join us and learn all about making excellent compost from green waste.

Our project depends on donations for our Black Gold and also income from the Tandridge Lottery. If you do not need our compost perhaps you could support us by buying tickets from the Tandridge Lottery (www.tandridgelottery.co.uk)

Jon Allbutt

Horticultural Spring Show

Dave Bishop reports:

Tatsfield’s Horticultural Spring Show was held in perfect weather last Saturday opened from 3-5pm and it was a huge success.

For starters, Sue Warren sent out emails to all involved before the day as she does so well. Her details of what and who does are laid out in her spread sheets and it must take her many hours to fill in all of the details necessary for such an annual event.

This year it was good to walk into the entrance and be welcomed by Roy Bell explaining what was happening to everyone. The Village Hall looked superb this year with all covered tables laid out in neat lines with astounding arrays of all sorts of items including flowers, vegetables, plants, clothing, cakes, crafts and pictures.

Topping that was the stage with a whole line of cups and trophies. Using the new PA system, the M.C. of the day was Horticultural expert Jon Allbutt who introduced everyone to the Tandridge District Councillors Chairman Jackie Wren who gave a cracking welcome to everyone.

Sue Warren emails her report for the Community News readers in the Surrey Mirror Newspaper and also for the Reach internet as follows, “Around 260 entries-125 at our last Show 2022 and 200 at our Autumn Show. Cups and Prizes presented by TDC Jackie Wren who spoke from the Village Hall’s new sound system so everything was loud and clear.

“Jackie gave an excellent speech, thanking certain people for their exhibits which especially caught her eye. I met Jackie for the first time and I can only say that we are all lucky to have her in the community.

“Jackie joined the committee and judges for lunch in the Village Hall, kindly supplied by Cook in Oxted at a Community Rate, which was absolutely delicious. Huge thanks goes to Sue the Manager who also happens to live in Tatsfield.

“The committee worked hard behind the scenes to do hall set up, be helpful and welcoming to exhibitors arriving to display their flowers, vegetables, produce or crafts-some arriving for the very first time, thanks also to raffle donations and lastly to the ‘Kitchen Cooks’ who kindly baked and served homemade cakes and refreshments. The hall was buzzing and everyone who attended certainly went home uplifted, as the Hall looked vibrant and colourful, partly due to the fact that our Vice president Bryan Everest donated 16 pots of daffodils at our March garden club evening for us all to grow on and display in Class 10 in the horticultural section, because when he judged this class in 2022, there were NO entries.

“Around 10 pots arrived to be judged, and I was lucky to be awarded a second prize. I should also mention huge support from our neighbours in Biggin Hill who also exhibited many entries.

“Our next event is our Annual Plant Sale, where we will be selling a selection of bedding and basket plants, plus donations of tomatoes from Bryan and of course many more ‘Villager Donations’ – please bring along anything in a pot, as this is 100% Profit, outside the Village Shop -Sherees, Westmore Green, on Saturday May 13th at 9.45am. Well done THS Team yet again.”

The results of the excellent Spring Show went as follows; Becky Walters – Manager of Monkey Puzzle-Juniors trophy, Angela Leslie-Miller Most points in the Art Section, Shelia Alexander – Best Art in Show, Jackie Wren – TDC Councillor Chairman, David Hadden -Most points in Horticultural + Best daffodil exhibit, Pauline Brown- Most points in the Domestic Section, Sue Saunders- Best in Show flower arranging, Pat Walsh-Most points in the flower arranging section, Valerie Payne – Most points in the Craft section.

This article was first published in the InYour Area.co.uk under community news

The show was MC’d by the popular horticulturist Jon Allbutt with special Guest who presented the prizes – the lovely speaker and Tandridge District councillor, Jackie Wren

(L-R) Becky Walters, Angela Leslie-Miller, Sheila Alexander, Presenter Cllr Jackie Wren, Chairman of Tandridge District Council, David Hadden, Pauline Brown, Sue Saunders, Pat Walsh and Valerie Payne.

Society News for the next two months
- Martin Allen

Firstly please note that the compost site now has stocks of composted black gold which you can collect on Saturday Mornings 10 -12am and Wednesday Afternoon’s 2-4pm. usual donations, please: £1.50 per bag and £3 for a wheelbarrow.

The site is ready to receive your garden waste and for you to collect the black gold compost. It is important that you also take some of the black gold and not just bring up garden waste it has to be a continuous rotating system.

You can also purchase your 2023 – 24 Year Book membership there, just ask when you deliver the green waste.

August – and the volunteers are now out and about on their rounds, knocking on your door or some postal requests for our out of Tatsfield members seeking your membership for this very worthwhile Tatsfield Society. So do please purchase your membership or at least consider a donation towards the funds. We appreciate that some of you will be away for work, summer holidays and other reasons so do please respond to the slip left through your door. You can pay on line via the Bank Account:  Sort Code 08 92 99 Account Number 65516610

However if you miss all of these reminders please contact either, Christine Stainer  Tel 577803 or email christinestainer@yahoo.com or myself Martin Allen 577201 or martin_allen@talk21.com and we will arrange to deliver a book against your payment, bank details above. .

You will find in the Year Book the usual details for Knights and Suttons and details about RHS Tickets and of course all of the classes for the Autumn Show that will be held on Saturday 9th September. Please do look through the classes and see what you can enter.

We will also desperately need some additional help this year so if you can help please contact a committee member, details will be in the Year Book.

September which leads us on to the September event , which will be the Autumn Show being held on Saturday 9th September in the Tatsfield Village Hall, Doors open for viewing from 3pm. All details on what you can enter and how will be included in the Year Book, which also contains details for the Spring Show in 2024.

Lastly – As I indicated above we are in need of new committee members if we are to keep the Society going in to the future, so do please consider giving some of your time and expertise to the Society. Please do not ask in a year or two, what happened to:………….

Look forward to seeing you at the show

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Tatsfield Garden Club Meeting with Bryan Everest on 7th March 2023
Brian Everest with Jon and Sue

Our garden club meeting in March was well supported by 27 keen Tatsfield gardeners and wow were we in for a treat. Bryan Everest entertained us so much that he lit up the WI Hall with his wit and humour and had us all in fits of laughter. Bryan began talking on how we should be pruning roses and care after dead heading. You must be ruthless, cut out the dead wood and then cut back hard to just above a leaf joint and you will be rewarded with a strong healthy rose bush. He feeds his roses twice a year, once now and again during flowering, plus spray the stems with a Black Spot treatment- as he said it is never too early to tackle the problem and continue this on a regular basis. He explained in detail how to take dahlia, chrysanthemum and delphinium cuttings and it is these new plants that will be full of vigour and give you a wonderful cut display.

Then he diverged into the vegetable world, especially onions, shallots and garlic. He buys his Sets in early January – before anyone else apparently, and plants them in single cells and keeps them in a cold frame or greenhouse ready for planting out in mid-March. He sows all his vegetable seeds in single cells, often three seeds to a cell so he can thin them out. By this he meant cauliflowers, cabbages, leeks, lettuce and beetroot. You must sow parsnips and carrots straight into the ground where they are to grow as they cannot be transplanted.

The Bryan moved onto our Spring Show. He was disappointed when he visited last year’s show that we only had one pot of daffodils exhibited, so Bryan being Bryan he bought along 10 pots of daffodils for people to take home and grow on for the show. He had orders for 6 more, which he will deliver to Kay Longley in the next week.

We had a break for refreshments and we were greeted to steaming mugs of coffee and tea along with homemade fruity bread and warm lemon drizzle cake.We all left the hall far happier than when we had arrived with daffodils, trays of onions, shallots and garlic, plus sweet peas and chrysanthemums.

Thank you Bryan for sharing your expertise and good sense of humour.

Sue Warren

Tatsfield Parish Council
& Tatsfield in Bloom


Two years ago we decided to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by collecting local seedlings of Oak and Beech and planting them around the village over the winter of 2022/23. The seedlings were donated following an appeal and have been growing at the allotment site on a plot kindly provided by the Allotment and Community Gardens.

The situation has now changed following the death of the Queen and the accession of King Charles III. We are now planning to carry out the planting of these seedlings to mark these events in January/February; the bulk of the planting will be in the Millennium Wood which is part of Tatsfield Green to replace the many trees that were removed due to ash dieback disease. There will also be a ceremonial planting on Tatsfield Green of a Red Oak.

We would also like to hear from anyone in the parish who has a large garden, paddock, or field and would like to be part of this tree planting initiative. If you are interested in taking part please contact Jon Allbutt (jon@jonallbutt.co.uk) or Kim Jennings (kimjennings@tatsfieldparishcouncil.org.uk)

We would also like to hear from anyone who would be interested in helping us plant and helping to care for these trees

Our Society aims to promote knowledge, interest and enjoyment of horticulture and gardening.

Founded around 1910 the Society is run by a group of villagers who are keen to extend gardening activities in Tatsfield, although their horticultural expertise varies from very considerable to almost zero!

We raise funds, principally from members’ subscriptions, Year Book adverts and social events and uses these to provide:

  • Two shows each year
  • Monthly evening gatherings during winter with very
    helpful talks and demonstrations
  • Excursions to gardens and places of interest
  • Financial support towards Tatsfield’s “In Bloom” displays
  • Plant sales offering bargains on Tatsfield-friendly plants

The Society has been instrumental in providing and sustaining Tatsfield with its award-winning Community Composting Scheme and also the flourishing Allotments and Community Garden. It continues to work with others to maintain and enhance these facilities.

This is the new website for the Tatsfield Horticultural Society. The Old website will remain active for a while until we transfer content.