Jon's Tatsfield Gardening Blog
- Jon's Blog
2023-09 The Tatsfield Gardener in September – Jon Allbutt
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN SEPTEMBER The much reported ‘record’ high temperatures in July and Aug...
2023-07 The Tatsfield Gardener in July-August – Jon Allbutt
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN JULY-AUGUST As I write, we are now over 30 days without significant rainfa...
2023-05 The Tatsfield Gardener in May – Jon Allbutt
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN MAY After a long period of very wet and cold weather, the end of April saw...
2023-06 The Tatsfield Gardener in June – Jon Allbutt
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN JUNE Although it has not been great weather for being out and about, it is...
2023-04 The Tatsfield Gardener in April – Jon Allbutt
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN APRIL There seems to be a pattern emerging for our local weather, the wint...
2023-03 The Tatsfield Gardener in March
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN MARCH As I write these notes (mid February) I have been watching bumble be...
2023-01 The Tatsfield Gardener in January/February
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN JANUARY/FEBRUARY A happy new gardening year to all Tatsfield gardeners, I ...
2022-12 The Tatsfield Gardener in December
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN DECEMBER The rainfall in November has been a bit above average and will ne...
2022-11 The Tastsfield Gardener in November
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN NOVEMBER Whilst mowing the Bakery Lawn recently I had comments from passin...
2022-10 The Tatsfield Gardener in October
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN OCTOBER Here and there in the low lying areas of the village you may have ...
2022-09 The Tatsfield Gardener in September
THE TATSFIELD GARDENER IN SEPTEMBER Well wasn’t it a scorcher! We have been inundated with details...