
Join the Community Composting Group Volunteers

TCCG: Tatsfield Community Composting Group
TCCG is something we Tatsfieldians can be proud of – it is one of very few in the country and has won awards. Most local composting schemes are council run. We are entirely a voluntary organisation. Our carbon footprint is amazing – village garden waste to village site to compost back to village gardens.
We had what was probably our most successful year in 2021, producing more compost than any other year. Many of you bought our compost at the very cheap rates we charge residents, with discounts for members of the Horticultural Society and Allotmenteers.
Once again, this year is busy and we have a constant stream of residents delivering their garden waste to us each Saturday morning. Unfortunately, our success is proving to be a challenge for our small team of volunteers.
Due to illness, age, and other commitments and as some of our DoE students have moved on, we desperately need new blood.
We meet every Saturday from 10-12 when we are open to the public, and also on most Wednesdays from 2-5 when we carry out the many tasks needed to keep this project operational.
You don’t have to commit to regular attendance and each of us does whatever we are capable of, to help the project. We are an eclectic bunch of happy folk and I guarantee you will enjoy joining us. Even once a month would be great. We welcome families with young children – it’s a great way to inculcate community responsibilities.
There are wonderful benefits too – outdoor community activities are proven to improve health, wellbeing and reduce anxiety and stress. In some areas, these are being promoted by the NHS – we are ahead of the curve. And, you will also be entitled to free compost!
Please contact me, Dilo, on 07709 357 086 to join or for more information.

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