Spring Show 2023 – Sue Warren
Spring Show 2023 – Sue Warren
Cups and Prizes were presented by TDC Chairman Jackie Wren who spoke from the Village Hall’s new sound system so everything was loud and clear. Jackie gave an excellent speech, thanking certain people for their exhibits which especially caught her eye. I met Jackie for the first time and I can only say that we are all lucky to have her in the community. Jackie joined the committee and judges for lunch in the Village Hall, kindly supplied by Cook in Oxted at a Community Rate, which was absolutely delicious. Huge thanks to Sue the Manager who also happens to live in Tatsfield. The committee worked hard behind the scenes to do hall set up, be helpful and welcoming to exhibitors arriving to display their flowers, vegetables, produce or crafts, art and photography exhibits-some people arriving for the very first time. Thanks also to raffle donations and lastly to the ‘Kitchen Cooks’ who kindly baked and served homemade cakes and refreshments.
The village hall was buzzing and everyone who attended certainly went home uplifted, as the Hall looked vibrant and colourful, partly due to the fact that our Vice president Bryan Everest donated 16 pots of daffodils at our March garden club evening for us all to grow on and display in Class 10 in the horticultural section, because when he judged this class in 2022, there were NO entries. Around 10 pots arrived to be judged, and I was lucky to be awarded a second prize. Daffodils ruled the show benches along with the many entries of rhubarb. I should also mention lots of different pot plants and many other varieties of spring flowers.
The flower arranging section had a record 20 entries and took up two sides of the hall. Pic included of best in show by Sue Saunders. Well done ladies and one gent who entered the Novice class. A simply stunning display of our village talent. Talking of talent, the recycled shirt into another item of clothing was sublime-created by a new exhibitor Jenny Nicholls, special well done-see pic. Moving on to the Domestic classes, Peter Maynard reported that there was a near record of 26 entries, including 8 in both the marmalade and chutney classes. There were 6 plates of rock cakes in the ‘Men Only’ class and this was won by Nigel Shaw, who told me he hadn’t done any baking for years. We are fortunate to have Nigel as he judged the art, photography and junior sections. The art entries numbered 40. This is simply fantastic. Thank you all so much for taking the time to paint and create such amazing artwork which we were all able to enjoy together. I was particularly taken with the class titled ‘Wave’. Some truly inspirational creations. The photographers did incredibly well and always a delight to see. In the Junior section Monkey Puzzle created an enormous class sculpture made from recycled rubbish you would throw away. I have also included a pic of this stunning work.
Lastly, I should mention the huge support from our neighbours in Biggin Hill who also exhibited many entries.