Tatsfield Horticultural Society

Minutes of the committee meeting

held at the Aileen McHugo building on Wednesday 14th October 2021

Present:- Pam Bishop (PB)(Chairman), Jon Allbutt (JA), Martin Allen(MA)(Treasurer), Peter Maynard (PM)(Secretary), Christine Stainer(CS), Bob David (BD)(President), Catherine Webber(CW), Dilo de Alwis(DdA) and Kim Jennings(KJ)

Apologies for absence

Sue Warren(SW) and Carol Gaskell(CG).

Minutes from last meeting held on 11th August 2021.

No amendments. The minutes were signed by JA.

Open Actions :-

Speak to AGM speaker (Malcolm Knight) to confirm arrangements. PM had emailed Jan Akhtar, and will phone her on 14/10/21.

Arrange award of Banksian medal. JA will contact Simon Cook, with a view to it being awarded on Saturday 16th October.

All other items : done, or on the agenda.



Review of recent events

Plant sale, 25th September. This went well, with everything sold. It was held in conjunction with a Fairtrade event, which probably encouraged more visitors. Purchases were £162.55, whilst £300.60 was taken.

Autumn Show, 11th September. This was the first show for two years, and went well on the day, with 181 entries and several new exhibitors. At the time that it was organised, there were still various Covid-19 restrictions on the use of the Village Hall, although these were lifted at the end of August, which, had it been anticipated, would have allowed more flexibility. As it was, no refreshments were available. PM commented that his wife had (at the short notice available) offered to organise this which, in his opinion, would have encouraged more visitors. This was, however, declined. The sunflowers were not measured, due in part to a lack of clarity in the instructions, so no prizes were awarded. The committee looked forward to the Spring Show 2022, which would be held, if possible, with no restrictions.

Garden Club, 12th October. Ian Hayman spoke on ponds to an audience of 24, including several people who attended for the first time. He was extremely knowledgeable and entertaining, and the talk was well received. It was suggested that he should be invited back in 2022 to talk on some of the details of pond construction, and to give an update on the Tatsfield village pond, which his team renovated very successfully.


MA reported – his report is attached, including the budget for 2021/22, which predicted an excess of income over expenditure of £1016. Alan Armitage will audit the accounts. The main income would come from sale of the yearbooks, and he suggested that a special sub-committee should be set up consisting of 3 or 4 people to start discussions on this in January. PM will circulate the members with a list of possible dates.


Forthcoming events

AGM November 9th. It was hoped that Malcolm Knight would give our Big Talk at the AGM. PM will confirm this as soon as possible, so that the event can be advertised (see item 2 above). If this is not possible, JA was prepared to speak, and various topics were suggested. ‘Bringing winter colour and scent to the garden’ was agreed.MA will organise wine. CS will organise tea and coffee. All members were asked to bring a plate of nibbles, and to help set up from 7pm onwards, with the AGM starting at 7.30, then drinks and nibbles whilst the screen etc were set up, then the Big Talk. JA suggested that Bryan Everest should be a Vice President, and this will be proposed at the AGM. CW agreed to take on the position of Vice Chairman, with a view to becoming Chairman after PB; other officers agreed to continue in their roles.

MA, CS, All

Regular Updates

Subscriptions : CS : three new members, otherwise nothing to report.

TIB : see JA report. Tatsfield won a gold medal in S+SEIB, but the large village category was won by Limpsfield. PM commented that although the report stated that ‘Celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee will be one of our aims …’, this had not actually been agreed by the TIB committee, as it was only suggested after the TIB committee meeting.

Composting. See DdA report.

Website : DdA reported that he had developed a new website, and he recommended that this should be hosted by a commercial provider at a probable cost of between £10 and £25 per month, rather than a free provider, as this would provide more flexibility and functionality. This was accepted by the committee. He will continue the development.


Possible Garden History Talk – Stephen Harmer

JA has been in contact with Stephen Harmer, who is Head Gardener at Tonbridge School. His fee would be £90 including travelling expenses. JA has no knowledge of his abilities, but will email SW for her opinion. He could be booked for the Big Talk at the 2022 AGM.


Work Party to clear out TIB container at allotments (JA)

Members were asked to meet at the container on Saturday November 20th at 10 a.m. MA will make a list of what is in the container before decisions are made as to what should be discarded. The outside of the container will also need painting at a future date.



Suttons Seeds group discount scheme. THS now has the code for 2021/22 – it is SUGS1266Z, but distribution of this number must be to members only.

PM reported that both Jan Akhtar and Alexa Carter had resigned from the committee. PM has emailed both to thank them for their service, and has told Alexa Carter that she would be welcome back on the committee when her circumstances permit. MA reported that Heather Leeves had also stated that she wished to stand down.

Any Other Business

CW asked for confirmation that the Spring Show 2022 would contain the same classes as written in the 2020/21 yearbook for Spring 2020. This was confirmed. She has also written an article for the November Parish Magazine.

Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday November 17th 2021 at 7.30pm at the Aileen McHugo building.