Tatsfield Horticultural Society

Minutes of the committee meeting

held at the Aileen McHugo building on Wednesday 9th March 2022

Present:- Pam Bishop (PB)(Chairman), Peter Maynard (PM)(Secretary), Christine Stainer (CS)(Subscriptions Secretary), Bob David (BD)(President), Catherine Webber (CW), Carol Gaskell (CG) and Dilo de Alwis (DdA)

Apologies for absence

Sue Warren (SW)

Minutes from last meeting held on 26th January 2022.

No amendments. The minutes were signed by PB.

Open Actions :-

All items : done, ongoing, or on the agenda.

CW had indicated that she was no longer prepared to serve as vice-chairman, for personal reasons. No member of the committee volunteered to serve but CG suggested DdA. He agreed to do it if no other committee member volunteered, and the matter was deferred until the next meeting.

Review of Recent Events

Garden Club 8th March. Bryan Everest – our new vice-president – spoke to a record attendance of 34 people about growing vegetables. As usual, he gave away many plants and seeds, and the evening was a great success.


See attached reports from MA.

Forthcoming events

Spring Show 9th April. CG supplied everyone with an annotated version of the Spring Show organisation chart (appended). She had booked the Ship for lunch, and ascertained numbers attending – approximately 30. She had booked all the judges except for Flower Arranging. She had been unable to contact Pauline Conlon about this, and PM said he would supply her telephone number. Refreshments were being organised by Jan Maynard. CG, CW, PB and CS all offered to make a cake. CG asked whether the use of Oasis would be permitted. It was agreed that, until any ban was advertised in the yearbook, this would not be done, but competitors should be encouraged to use biodegradable Oasis.

Plant Sale, 7th May. In the absence of Jon Allbutt (JA) detailed discussions were not possible. PM agreed to write to JA to ask if he would purchase the plants for the sale, which it was agreed should come from Barnsfold.

Wisley visit 21st May. SW had agreed to organise this.

Evening Garden Visit – Titsey Place. SW had booked Tuesday 5th July, but this was flexible, depending on who was available on this and adjacent dates . The committee agreed that SW should decide on the most appropriate date. It was agreed that every attendee should be responsible for bringing their own picnic, but that THS would provide wine and soft drinks, details to be finalised nearer the date when approximate numbers would be known. PM to email SW.

Tatsfield Garden Visit. The committee agreed that this should be cancelled this year.







2022/2023 Yearbook

No formal update could be given in the absence of JA and Martin Allen (MA), but CS had sent letters asking for help in distributing the yearbook once printed (see subscriptions report) and DdA volunteered to help distribution along Ricketts Hill. It was understood that the yearbook was in hand and would be finished soon.

Regular Updates

Subscriptions : CS : see attached report. CS still had 4 routes to cover.

TIB : JA : see attached report.

Composting : DdA. See attached report.

Website : DdA. See attached report. Members were encouraged to look at the new website, which is currently on one of his domains (dealwis.info) as he had used multiple styles on different pages to show different approaches. One of these would have to be chosen by the committee before the new website went live.


Committee Membership

PM reminded the committee that three members had recently resigned for various reasons. Members were asked to think of residents who might be persuaded to join the committee.





Any Other Business

Annual Parish Meeting 4th April. No member of the committee had been asked by the Parish Clerk to write a report on the Society’s activities in 2021. PM offered to write and submit a report.


Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday May 11th 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Room at the Aileen McHugo building.