Tatsfield Horticultural Society
Minutes of the committee meeting
held at the Aileen McHugo building on Wednesday 11th May 2022
Present:- Jon Allbutt (JA)(Acting Chairman), Peter Maynard (PM)(Secretary), Christine Stainer (CS)(Subscriptions Secretary), Bob David (BD)(President), Sue Warren (SW), John Rand (JR)(Representing Tatsfield Parish Council)
Apologies for absence Martin Allen (MA)(Treasurer), Pam Bishop (PB)(Chairman), Catherine Webber (CW), Carol Gaskell (CG) |
In Memoriam JA paid tribute to Stephen Mittins, whose death had been announced recently, and who had for a time (apart from anything else) been a member of the committee. |
Minutes from last meeting held on 9th March 2022. No amendments. The minutes were signed by JA. Open Actions :- JR suggested that his wife might be persuaded to sit on the committee. All other items : done or on the agenda. |
Review of Recent Events Spring Show, 9th April. This was the first ‘proper’ show since the pandemic caused the cancellation of most events two years previously. As such, it was a great success. There were 166 entries and teas took £100. However, despite much effort, there had been no children’s entries. This raised the question of whether or not to include junior classes in the Show. It was decided that – with children being the future of the Society – these classes would be continued pro tem. Plant Sale 7th May. Another success, with a profit of £338. There had been many donations of plants – led, as always, by Bryan Everest – the weather was fine, and nearly everything was sold. |
Finances See attached reports from MA. |
Forthcoming events Wisley visit 21st May. All organised by SW. Evening Garden visit to Titsey Place 5th July. All organised by SW. When numbers are confirmed, she will organise wine and soft drinks. Rory Dryburgh, Head Gardener at Titsey, would not be taking a fee for showing visitors around, but donations would be requested, which would be given to his charity. Autumn Show 10th September. To be discussed in detail at the August meeting. Garden Club 13th September. JA will ask Ian Hayman (Tatsfield Aquatics) to give an update on Tatsfield Village pond (which he is maintaining) and recent projects. JA will speak – topic to be decided. |
2022/2023 Yearbook JA reported that the yearbook was virtually finished, only requiring decisions on some photographs, and he expected that it would be printed, and distribution could start, before the end of May. |
JA |
Regular Updates Subscriptions : CS : see attached report. TIB : JA reported that plants (which had to be large enough and in bloom ready for the Jubilee celebrations, and which would therefore be expensive) would be delivered on Monday May 16th . There were few planting volunteers. The theme was the royal colours of purple, white and yellow. The TIB committee had decided that some plants would be perennials, with not so many annuals. Composting. JA reported that sessions were ongoing on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. The rotary screen now had a new engine. Website : DdA. No report. However, DdA had sent round a long email on the proposed new website, (see https://ths.tatsfieldvillage.uk ) which was now virtually complete, with requests for comments from all committee members. |
All |
Request for Garden Volunteers SW repoted that Rory Dryburgh (Head Gardener at Titsey Place) had asked her if anyone in Tatsfield was prepared to help out as a volunteer on Wednesday mornings at Titsey Place. It was suggested that he should write a piece for inclusion in the Parish Magazine, and it was agreed that he would be welcome to put an article on the THS website. |
THS Representative on Village Hall Committee PM reported that the Village Hall committee was seeking a representative from THS (as a regular user of the hall) to sit on their committee. JA offered to represent THS, but would not be able to attend every month, so would require an alternate. PM will report back to the VHC. |
PM |
Correspondence JA had received an email from the Chartwell shop, requesting any spare plants that THS might have for sale in their shop. JA agreed that this would be a good idea if THS had some. |
Any Other Business PM explained that, at the last THS meeting, it was agreed that the committee would elect a new vice-chairman. JA indicated that he was willing to stand, was nominated by PM and seconded by SW, and elected unanimously. SW said that she would be making the Queen’s Wedding Bouquet at the church for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The committee agreed to sponsor this arrangement for £20. |
MA |
Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be on Wednesday August 10th 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Room at the Aileen McHugo building.