Tatsfield Horticultural Society
Minutes of the committee meeting
held at the Aileen McHugo building on Wednesday 10th August 2022
Present:- Jon Allbutt (JA)(Acting Chairman), Peter Maynard (PM)(Secretary), Martin Allen (MA)(Treasurer), Christine Stainer (CS)(Subscriptions Secretary), Bob David (BD)(President), Sue Warren (SW), John Rand (JoR)(Representing Tatsfield Parish Council), Janet Rand (JaR).
Welcome to new member Janet Rand JA welcomed Janet Rand to her first meeting. |
Apologies for absence Pam Bishop (PB)(Chairman), Catherine Webber (CW), Carol Gaskell (CG) and Dilo de Alwis (DdA). |
Minutes from last meeting held on 11th May 2022. No amendments. The minutes were signed by JA. Open Actions :- PM to put forward JA as THS representative on Village Hall committee – to be done at September VH committee meeting. All other items : done. |
Review of Recent Events Wisley visit May 21st 2022. 22 members attended on a warm and sunny day, and enjoyed a very good visit. Evening Garden visit – Titsey Place, June 28th 2022. Only 12 members visited, which was disappointing, but the visit went well. Thanks to SW who organised both visits. |
Finances MA updated the meeting with the latest Yearbook figures, and these are incorporated in his attached reports. |
Forthcoming events Garden Club 13th September. DdA will speak – topic title to be decided. PM to write to DdA to confirm this, and ask if DdA could write an article for the September Parish Magazine to advertise it. JA will speak, with pictures, on the Wisley visit. AGM 15th November. Nick Hagon (Chairman, Biggin Hill Horticultural Society) to be invited to speak at the Big Talk. SW to ask him. |
Autumn Show 10th September In the absence of CG, SW had updated the show chart. This was examined in detail, and several decisions taken. A further version, again updated by SW, is attached. Several actions were required :- PM to book hall for lunch. Preferably the WI hall (within walking distance of the show, large enough and with adequate facilities) or AMB if WI hall unavailable. MA to contact Roy Bell to see if he can man the door. CG to contact judges and lunch guests (if not already done) to invite them to lunch. Jan Maynard to confirm whether or not Genine Clements would be the Flower Arranging judge. CG to finalise judges for Photography (possibly Andy Moore) and Crafts (possibly Jan Ling). It was decided that there would not be a plant sale at the Show. This was too early for winter plants and bulbs, and there would probably not be enough volunteers to man a stall. |
CG JanM CG |
Regular Updates Subscriptions : CS – see attached report. TIB : JA – see attached report. Composting : see attached report from MA. Website : DdA. No report. |
Correspondence None |
Any Other Business JoR said that he and JaR had a heavy concrete garden roller, and wondered if any member would like it. SW will be making a flower arrangement for the Biggin Hill Horticultural Society’s centenary flower show. No contribution from THS was required. |
Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be on Wednesday October 12th 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Room at the Aileen McHugo building.