About the THS

blue tit on apple blossom

Tatsfield Horticultural Society – What we Do:

Tatsfield Horticultural Society aims to promote knowledge, interest and enjoyment of horticulture and gardening. Founded around 1910 the Society is run by a group of villagers who are keen to extend gardening activities in Tatsfield, although their horticultural expertise varies from very considerable to almost zero!

It raises funds, principally from members’ subscriptions, Year Book adverts and social events and uses these to provide:

• Two shows each year
• Monthly evening gatherings during winter with very helpful talks and demonstrations
• Excursions to gardens and places of interest
• Financial support towards Tatsfield’s “In Bloom” displays
• Plant sales offering bargains on Tatsfield-friendly plants

The Society has been instrumental in providing Tatsfield with its award-winning Community Composting Scheme and also the flourishing Allotments and Community Gardens

To all members: Thank You from the Society

The success of the Society and associated groups depends upon the support of many who contribute their time and expertise – a very big thank you to them.

Also, the Allotments, Community Garden, Composting and In Bloom initiatives require financial support and thanks must go to those organisations and individuals who have provided this, they include Tatsfield Parish Council, Surrey County Council and Ibbett Moseley on the T.I.B. side.

The Society on your behalf also makes financial contributions to towards the Tatsfield in Bloom and The Parish Magazine.

hedge with heart-shaped gap
discount percentage baloons

Triple Bonus for Society Members

We are very grateful to Knights Garden Centres for offering members of
Tatsfield Horticultural Society a discount of 10% at their Chelsham and
Woldingham branches. This applies to composts, chemicals and fertilisers,
plants, trees, seeds, bulbs, light gardening tools and wheelbarrows.
Members should take the card on the back cover of this Year Book with
them in order to claim thi

As a 2023/24 member of Tatsfield Horticultural Society you will be entitled
to 50% off all seeds and 15% off all other items (except gift vouchers) by
using our special discount code. Order online or by telephone or by post.

Also new this year The T.H.S. will have a RHS entry card offering
50% discount for up to two of the membership per visit which can be
shared with members. But remember if you visit with the THS Group on the
17 th June it will still cost you nothing.

If you want to use this discount RHS Entry card then please make your
booking with the Chairman Jon Allbutt on 01959 577100

Gazebo Available: The Society owns two gazebos which it frequently uses at its outdoor events. Any organisation wishing to borrow either in return for a donation of £20 should contact Jon Allbutt on 01959 577100. Ideally at least eight people are required to erect or dismantle the bigger one.